Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bone Idle

Ahhhh, the sweet calm has arrived after the storm of preparing samples for CHA.  In some ways I'm sad that I'm not going this year.  I don't get to hang out with all my awesome crafty friends and do awesome crafty things...oh and I don't get to go to Disneyland! But... I get to breath!  And I don't have jet lag!  Boy howdy, is that ever a good thing!  So today, as a treat I did ab-so-lute-ly nothing.  Nada.  It was gorgeous :-)

Part of doing nothing was going out with Alfie to chat with the horses, Red and Bud.

They are total posers, lol.

Then Gabby the cat and I curled up on the sofa and (finally!) watched the newest Indiana Jones movie.  Harrison Ford is still a looker in my book.

Hope everyone is a having a similarly delightful weekend and don't forget you have 'til midnight tonight to enter for a chance to win the tire swing stamp!



  1. Donya, those are some cute horses. I wish I had time to curl up and watch a movie. We have been planning to do just that ever since I got a couple movies for Christmas, so far they aren't even out of the wrapping! Have a great time relaxing and enjoy yourself.

  2. Ahhhh...for some reason being where you are seems a whole lot more enticing than the hustle and bustle of CHA (not that I have ever been, but I can imagine).
    Your furry animals are all so cute and lovable!
