Monday, April 12, 2010

Katy Cat

So this layout gave me fits this morning.  Ever have those moments when you feel like you are putting together a puzzle and you don't know what the picture is?  Yah, that feeling.  Sometimes followed by grumbling and a trash can.  Ok, no trash can.  That's too much Prima goodness to give away.  Luckily my frustration/need to take a nap level maximum coincided with the noon hour.  An, Lo, the benevolent gods of scrapbooking did smile upon me- Prima posted their April Build A Page sometime during the morning.  I love their Build A Pages.  I have folders full of their sketches and samples.  Oodles.  And this Build A Page was perfect for what I had already laid out on my table, plus a few leftovers from my Raspberry Tea Album kit (which I'm teaching May 8th, if you want to have lots of good leftovers too)   Inspiration, such a Good Thing.  Thanks Prima

Oh- and ridiculously cute cat, that's my adorable Katy, who is currently attacking my laptop case.